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games TLD
5 letters
4 SLD is valuable because 'DNFT' could stand for 'Decentralized Non-Fungible Tokens,' aligning perfectly with the burgeoning blockchain and gaming industries. The domain denotes focus on DNFTs within the gaming sector, a niche yet rapidly expanding market interested in tokenization and ownership of digital assets. 'Games' as a top-level domain (TLD) directly targets the gaming community, enhancing its relevance and appeal to developers, gamers, and investors in crypto-gaming platforms.
Powered by Namefi AI™ (beta), could be inaccurate, not financial/trade advice. DYOR.

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Estimated Score by Namefi AI

Detail appraisal report

Table of Contents

  1. Key Factors Considered

    • Domain Length
    • Keyword Relevance
    • TLD (Top-Level Domain)
    • Brandability
    • Market Demand
    • SEO Potential
  2. Estimated Value

  3. Recommendations

    • Market Positioning
    • Potential Buyers
    • Sales Strategy
  4. Conclusion

Key Factors Considered

Domain Length

The domain '' consists of 9 characters, which is fairly short and easy to remember. This contributes positively to its value.

Keyword Relevance

The domain prominently features 'NFT' and 'games', two highly relevant and trending keywords. The combination suggests a niche in the rapidly growing market of blockchain-based gaming.

TLD (Top-Level Domain)

The TLD '.games' is a specialized and industry-specific TLD that fits well with the theme of the domain. This specificity adds value to the domain, especially within the gaming market.


'' has good brand potential due to its short, memorable, and relevant keywords. The abbreviation 'NFT' is widely recognized in blockchain and gaming circles, enhancing its brandability.

Market Demand

Blockchain games and NFTs are growing in popularity, with increasing interest from both consumers and investors. Domains that can capture this market segment are highly sought after.

SEO Potential

The keywords 'NFT' and 'games' are highly searched terms, which can result in significant organic traffic. This boosts the domain's SEO potential and adds to its value.

Estimated Value

Given the various factors considered, the estimated value of the domain '' ranges between $3,000 and $8,000 USD.


Market Positioning

Position the domain as a premium destination for NFT-based games. This aligns with current market trends and consumer interest in blockchain technology and gaming.

Potential Buyers

  1. Startups in the blockchain gaming sector
  2. Established gaming companies looking to expand into NFTs
  3. Investors in blockchain and gaming technology

Sales Strategy

  1. Highlight the growing trend of NFTs and blockchain gaming.
  2. Showcase the SEO benefits due to highly relevant keywords.
  3. Emphasize the brandability and market demand for specialized domains in this niche.
  4. Utilize domain marketplaces and reach out to potential buyers directly.

Conclusion is a highly relevant and valuable domain in the burgeoning field of blockchain gaming. With excellent keyword relevance, brandability, and market demand, it offers substantial growth potential and is a strong candidate for a premium price within the estimated value range.

Powered by Namefi AI™ (beta), could be inaccurate, not financial/trade advice. DYOR.